The Salt Lake Temple where it all began!

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Being a Mom

We took these pictures the week of Benjamin's LCH diagnosis in October 2010. We wanted to get a "good" family picture (LOL I know- Benjamin was so grumpy, but thankfully our professional photographer got some happy, good shots) before he started chemotherapy. We weren't sure at the time what he would look like after with possibly losing his hair and having puffy cheeks (thankfully he hasn't experienced any of that yet).

It's been a few years since I have added anything to this blog. As I have been posting on Benjamin's blog, I have realized that I have enjoyed it even if no one ever reads what I write. So I thougt I would blog some of my own thoughts related to our family.

With Mother's Day being this past Sunday, I have been thinking about motherhood. I came across this beautiful song on a CD I purchased a couple of weeks ago. It really expresses my feelings of being a mom these days. I LOVE being a mom. It isn't always easy, in fact, it's down right hard at times I'll admit, but I do LOVE it. I LOVE my six children. They are each amazing. Here's the song by an LDS group of women, One Clear Voice, who obviously are moms themselves.

Keeping Sheep

I have a little flock of sheep
And they are mine to tend and keep
And I must guard them every day
For little lams, when left alone
Will lose their way

So many voices say to me
A sheep fold is no place to e
Your time in there is dull and slow
And lambs leave very little room
For you to grow

Oh if I ever start to stray
Deceived by thoughts of greener pastures
Remind me, Lord, that keeping sheep
Will lead to happier ever afters
Will lead to happier ever afters

Yet something whispers in my heart
That when my sheep have left this pen
I'll long to stroke their little heads
To draw them close to me
And have them young again

Repeat Chorus

So while they still are in my care
I pray that I will clearly see
These little lambs within my fold
Are tender gifts the Master Shepherd
Has given me

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I love to See the Temple

I love to see the temple.
I'm going there someday
To feel the Holy Spirit,
To listen and to pray.
For the temple is a house of God,
A place for love and beauty.
I'll prepare myself while I am young.
This is my sacred duty.

The new Oquirrh Mountain Temple

The new Oquirrh Mountain Temple
It's only blocks from our home and we anxiously await it's completion in August of 2009.

We're so excited!

We watched with 300 or so other people as the Angel Moroni was placed on top of the spire. It was a special day that day! We drive by daily and know that "our temple" is even closer to completion.

Macey reminded me . . .

"Mom, Angel Moroni is going to blow his trumpet when Jesus comes again, right?"

I of course responded, "Yes! He will! And won't it be a great day!"

We had this discussion the day that the Angel Moroni was placed on top of the Oquirrh Mountain Temple. She obviously hasn't forgotten! I know that it will be a marvelous day filled with more joy in our hearts than we can comprehend- if we're prepared to meet him.

July 11, 2008

July 11, 2008
Welcome Angel Moroni!
We feel so very blessed to have two temples (almost!) just 3-5 minutes from our home. We try to go as often as possible as we feel that the peace there blesses our busy lives tremendously!

We also enjoy spending time together as a family. Since Doug was called as the bishop of our ward in March of 2007, we have made a greater effort to eat dinner together every evening possible. We have a new family tradition called "Highs and Lows" where we each take a turn and share our "highs and lows" for the day- the good and the bad! This has made for some great conversations!

We have also increased the quality of our Family Home Evenings which we hold EVERY Monday night. I emphasize "every" because our children really look forward to Mondays and have a lot of fun. They would be very disappointed if we were to even think about not having that time together. (I think it's just the treats afterward that they like the most!)

Favorite Family Activities

  • Making treats!
  • Jogging
  • Biking
  • Vacationing
  • Camping
  • Hiking
  • Kickball
  • Tennis
  • Baseball
  • Soccer

Goblin Valley April 2008

Goblin Valley April 2008

Family Home Evening

Family Home Evening
This was one of our favorites of the year! We celebrated our 14th wedding anniversary with our kids by making s'mores in Big Cottonwood Canyon! We had lots of fun!
We know that the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is Jesus Christ's church that has been restored to the earth in these latter days. This gospel is real! It is true! Through the teachings, we are able to know how to return and live with our Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ again one day. We hope for that day and that we will be together forever as a family through following these teachings! We feel that our greatest blessing on this earth is our family and we know that it is possible to be together for eternity if we follow our Savior, Jesus Christ.
The temple also helps to make that eternal blessing possible. We love our Heavenly Father's temples! We know that He has a plan for each of us and we learn about that plan in His temples. If we strive everyday to know what that plan is, and try to do what He would have us do, we are blessed with peace and comfort. We are thankful for Jesus Christ, who, whithout him, we could not have the amazing blessings of repentance and forgivess. We know that his atonement is real. We know that he loves each of us individually and we love him in return. We hope to show him that by doing his work on this earth. We are eternally indebted to him and our Heavenly Father!

Thanks for sharing our blog with us. We hope that if you have any questions about our beliefs, that you'll just ask us! We'd love to have a great conversation about something that is strong in our hearts! Or you can check out one of the websites that we've listed here. Have a great day!

Nicholas's bruised ear

Nicholas's bruised ear
This picture makes it look painless- it was worse that it looks! His friend slammed him in the head with a baseball bat (accidentally of course)!

Our Ward Campout August 2008

Our Ward Campout     August 2008
Tin foil dinners are the best if they're cooked evenly. We need a little more practice. It's always a fun camping tradition though!

Lubbock, Texas Temple October 18, 2008

Lubbock, Texas Temple  October 18, 2008
We had the special privilege of attending the Whitney family's sealing there. It was the greatest highlight of my husband's service as bishop so far!
It truly was an honor to be with this great family on their special day! To see the joy exhibited in their faces made the whole trip completely worth it! I know that through the special ordinances of the temple, there is real sealing power and that because of these things, we all have the opportunity to be sealed together with our families for eternity.
While there in the Lubbock Temple, I was just wishing that everyone I knew would take advantage of this great blessing! It is more precious that ANY earthly or material thing. The feelings felt there were more special than any I've felt and I know that through the ordinances, covenants we make with God, and the power of the priesthood, we can all be together forever with our families! I know that these things are true. I hope that we all might choose to live worthy of these blessings everyday (including myself) and feel the peace and comfort that comes from doing so.

The Whitney Family

The Whitney Family
We were so welcomed by them and felt like we were part of their family for the day!